Keras 모델의 재현성

저자 : Frightera
생성일 : 2023/05/05
최종 편집일 : 2023/05/05
설명 : Demonstration of random weight initialization and reproducibility in Keras models.

ⓘ 이 예제는 Keras 3를 사용합니다.


This example demonstrates how to control randomness in Keras models. Sometimes you may want to reproduce the exact same results across runs, for experimentation purposes or to debug a problem.


import json
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import keras
from keras import layers
from keras import initializers

# Set the seed using keras.utils.set_random_seed. This will set:
# 1) `numpy` seed
# 2) backend random seed
# 3) `python` random seed

# If using TensorFlow, this will make GPU ops as deterministic as possible,
# but it will affect the overall performance, so be mindful of that.

Weight initialization in Keras

Most of the layers in Keras have kernel_initializer and bias_initializer parameters. These parameters allow you to specify the strategy used for initializing the weights of layer variables. The following built-in initializers are available as part of keras.initializers:

initializers_list = [

In a reproducible model, the weights of the model should be initialized with same values in subsequent runs. First, we’ll check how initializers behave when they are called multiple times with same seed value.

for initializer in initializers_list:
    print(f"Running {initializer}")

    for iteration in range(2):
        # In order to get same results across multiple runs from an initializer,
        # you can specify a seed value.
        result = float(initializer(seed=42)(shape=(1, 1)))
        print(f"\tIteration --> {iteration} // Result --> {result}")
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.RandomNormal'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> 0.000790853810030967
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> 0.000790853810030967
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.RandomUniform'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> -0.02175668440759182
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> -0.02175668440759182
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.TruncatedNormal'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> 0.000790853810030967
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> 0.000790853810030967
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.VarianceScaling'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> 0.017981600016355515
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> 0.017981600016355515
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.GlorotNormal'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> 0.017981600016355515
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> 0.017981600016355515
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.GlorotUniform'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> -0.7536736726760864
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> -0.7536736726760864
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.HeNormal'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> 0.025429822504520416
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> 0.025429822504520416
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.HeUniform'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> -1.065855622291565
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> -1.065855622291565
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.LecunNormal'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> 0.017981600016355515
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> 0.017981600016355515
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.LecunUniform'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> -0.7536736726760864
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> -0.7536736726760864
Running <class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.OrthogonalInitializer'>
    Iteration --> 0 // Result --> 1.0
    Iteration --> 1 // Result --> 1.0

Now, let’s inspect how two different initializer objects behave when they are have the same seed value.

# Setting the seed value for an initializer will cause two different objects
# to produce same results.
glorot_normal_1 = keras.initializers.GlorotNormal(seed=42)
glorot_normal_2 = keras.initializers.GlorotNormal(seed=42)

input_dim, neurons = 3, 5

# Call two different objects with same shape
result_1 = glorot_normal_1(shape=(input_dim, neurons))
result_2 = glorot_normal_2(shape=(input_dim, neurons))

# Check if the results are equal.
equal = np.allclose(result_1, result_2)
print(f"Are the results equal? {equal}")
Are the results equal? True

If the seed value is not set (or different seed values are used), two different objects will produce different results. Since the random seed is set at the beginning of the notebook, the results will be same in the sequential runs. This is related to the keras.utils.set_random_seed.

glorot_normal_3 = keras.initializers.GlorotNormal()
glorot_normal_4 = keras.initializers.GlorotNormal()

# Let's call the initializer.
result_3 = glorot_normal_3(shape=(input_dim, neurons))

# Call the second initializer.
result_4 = glorot_normal_4(shape=(input_dim, neurons))

equal = np.allclose(result_3, result_4)
print(f"Are the results equal? {equal}")
Are the results equal? False

result_3 and result_4 will be different, but when you run the notebook again, result_3 will have identical values to the ones in the previous run. Same goes for result_4.

Reproducibility in model training process

If you want to reproduce the results of a model training process, you need to control the randomness sources during the training process. In order to show a realistic example, this section utilizes using parallel map and shuffle operations.

In order to start, let’s create a simple function which returns the history object of the Keras model.

def train_model(train_data:, test_data: -> dict:
    model = keras.Sequential(
            layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation="relu"),
            layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)),
            layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation="relu"),
            layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)),
            layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation="relu"),
            layers.Dense(64, activation="relu"),
            layers.Dense(10, activation="softmax"),

    # jit_compile's default value is "auto" which will cause some problems in some
    # ops, therefore it's set to False.

    # has a `shuffle` parameter which has a default value of `True`.
    # If you are using array-like objects, this will shuffle the data before
    # training. This argument is ignored when `x` is a generator or
    # [``](
    history =, epochs=2, validation_data=test_data)

    print(f"Model accuracy on test data: {model.evaluate(test_data)[1] * 100:.2f}%")

    return history.history

# Load the MNIST dataset
(train_images, train_labels), (
) = keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()

# Construct objects
train_ds =, train_labels))
test_ds =, test_labels))
Downloading data from
 11490434/11490434 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 0us/step

Remember we called tf.config.experimental.enable_op_determinism() at the beginning of the function. This makes the operations deterministic. However, making operations deterministic comes with a performance cost. If you want to learn more about it, please check this official guide.

Small summary what’s going on here. Models have kernel_initializer and bias_initializer parameters. Since we set random seeds using keras.utils.set_random_seed in the beginning of the notebook, the initializers will produce same results in the sequential runs. Additionally, TensorFlow operations have now become deterministic. Frequently, you will be utilizing GPUs that have thousands of hardware threads which causes non-deterministic behavior to occur.

def prepare_dataset(image, label):
    # Cast and normalize the image
    image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / 255.0

    # Expand the channel dimension
    image = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=-1)

    # Resize the image
    image = tf.image.resize(image, (32, 32))

    return image, label objects have a shuffle method which shuffles the data. This method has a buffer_size parameter which controls the size of the buffer. If you set this value to len(train_images), the whole dataset will be shuffled. If the buffer size is equal to the length of the dataset, then the elements will be shuffled in a completely random order.

Main drawback of setting the buffer size to the length of the dataset is that filling the buffer can take a while depending on the size of the dataset.

Here is a small summary of what’s going on here: 1) The shuffle() method creates a buffer of the specified size. 2) The elements of the dataset are randomly shuffled and placed into the buffer. 3) The elements of the buffer are then returned in a random order.

Since tf.config.experimental.enable_op_determinism() is enabled and we set random seeds using keras.utils.set_random_seed in the beginning of the notebook, the shuffle() method will produce same results in the sequential runs.

# Prepare the datasets, batch-map --> vectorized operations
train_data = (

test_data = (

Train the model for the first time.

history = train_model(train_data, test_data)
Epoch 1/2
 938/938 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 73s 73ms/step - accuracy: 0.5726 - loss: 1.2175 - val_accuracy: 0.9401 - val_loss: 0.1924
Epoch 2/2
 938/938 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 89s 81ms/step - accuracy: 0.9105 - loss: 0.2885 - val_accuracy: 0.9630 - val_loss: 0.1131
 157/157 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3s 17ms/step - accuracy: 0.9553 - loss: 0.1353
Model accuracy on test data: 96.30%

Let’s save our results into a JSON file, and restart the kernel. After restarting the kernel, we should see the same results as the previous run, this includes metrics and loss values both on the training and test data.

# Save the history object into a json file
with open("history.json", "w") as fp:
    json.dump(history, fp)

Do not run the cell above in order not to overwrite the results. Execute the model training cell again and compare the results.

with open("history.json", "r") as fp:
    history_loaded = json.load(fp)

Compare the results one by one. You will see that they are equal.

for key in history.keys():
    for i in range(len(history[key])):
        if not np.allclose(history[key][i], history_loaded[key][i]):
            print(f"{key} not equal")


In this tutorial, you learned how to control the randomness sources in Keras and TensorFlow. You also learned how to reproduce the results of a model training process.

If you want to initialize the model with the same weights everytime, you need to set kernel_initializer and bias_initializer parameters of the layers and provide a seed value to the initializer.

There still may be some inconsistencies due to numerical error accumulation such as using recurrent_dropout in RNN layers.

Reproducibility is subject to the environment. You’ll get the same results if you run the notebook or the code on the same machine with the same environment.