SegFormer Segmentation


SegFormer class

keras_cv.models.SegFormer(backbone, num_classes, projection_filters=256, **kwargs)

A Keras model implementing the SegFormer architecture for semantic segmentation.



  • backbone: keras.Model. The backbone network for the model that is used as a feature extractor for the SegFormer encoder. It is intended to be used only with the MiT backbone model which was created specifically for SegFormers. It should either be a keras_cv.models.backbones.backbone.Backbone or a tf.keras.Model that implements the pyramid_level_inputs property with keys “P2”, “P3”, “P4”, and “P5” and layer names as values.
  • num_classes: int, the number of classes for the detection model, including the background class.
  • projection_filters: int, number of filters in the convolution layer projecting the concatenated features into a segmentation map. Defaults to 256`.


Using the class with a backbone:

import tensorflow as tf
import keras_cv
images = np.ones(shape=(1, 96, 96, 3))
labels = np.zeros(shape=(1, 96, 96, 1))
backbone = keras_cv.models.MiTBackbone.from_preset("mit_b0_imagenet")
model = keras_cv.models.segmentation.SegFormer(
    num_classes=1, backbone=backbone,
# Evaluate model
# Train model
), labels, epochs=3)


from_preset method

    preset, num_classes, load_weights=None, input_shape=None, **kwargs

Instantiate SegFormer model from preset config and weights.


  • preset: string. Must be one of “mit_b0”, “mit_b1”, “mit_b2”, “mit_b3”, “mit_b4”, “mit_b5”, “mit_b0_imagenet”, “segformer_b0”, “segformer_b1”, “segformer_b2”, “segformer_b3”, “segformer_b4”, “segformer_b5”, “segformer_b0_imagenet”. If looking for a preset with pretrained weights, choose one of “segformer_b0_imagenet”.
  • load_weights: Whether to load pre-trained weights into model. Defaults to None, which follows whether the preset has pretrained weights available.
  • input_shape : input shape that will be passed to backbone initialization, Defaults to None.If None, the preset value will be used.


# Load architecture and weights from preset
model = keras_cv.models.SegFormer.from_preset(
# Load randomly initialized model from preset architecture with weights
model = keras_cv.models.SegFormer.from_preset(
Preset nameParametersDescription
mit_b03.32MMiT (MixTransformer) model with 8 transformer blocks.
mit_b113.16MMiT (MixTransformer) model with 8 transformer blocks.
mit_b224.20MMiT (MixTransformer) model with 16 transformer blocks.
mit_b344.08MMiT (MixTransformer) model with 28 transformer blocks.
mit_b460.85MMiT (MixTransformer) model with 41 transformer blocks.
mit_b581.45MMiT (MixTransformer) model with 52 transformer blocks.
mit_b0_imagenet3.32MMiT (MixTransformer) model with 8 transformer blocks. Pre-trained on ImageNet-1K and scores 69% top-1 accuracy on the validation set.
segformer_b03.72MSegFormer model with MiTB0 backbone.
segformer_b113.68MSegFormer model with MiTB1 backbone.
segformer_b224.73MSegFormer model with MiTB2 backbone.
segformer_b344.60MSegFormer model with MiTB3 backbone.
segformer_b461.37MSegFormer model with MiTB4 backbone.
segformer_b581.97MSegFormer model with MiTB5 backbone.
segformer_b0_imagenet3.72MSegFormer model with a pretrained MiTB0 backbone.


SegFormerB0 class

keras_cv.models.SegFormerB0(backbone, num_classes, projection_filters=256, **kwargs)

SegFormer model.

For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning.


  • backbone: a KerasCV backbone for feature extraction.
  • num_classes: the number of classes for segmentation, including the background class.


input_data = tf.ones(shape=(8, 224, 224, 3))
# Randomly initialized backbone
backbone = keras_cv.models.MiTBackbone.from_preset("mit_b0_imagenet")
segformer = keras_cv.models.SegFormer(backbone=backbone, num_classes=19)
output = model(input_data)


SegFormerB1 class

keras_cv.models.SegFormerB1(backbone, num_classes, projection_filters=256, **kwargs)

SegFormer model.

For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning.


  • backbone: a KerasCV backbone for feature extraction.
  • num_classes: the number of classes for segmentation, including the background class.


input_data = tf.ones(shape=(8, 224, 224, 3))
# Randomly initialized backbone
backbone = keras_cv.models.MiTBackbone.from_preset("mit_b0_imagenet")
segformer = keras_cv.models.SegFormer(backbone=backbone, num_classes=19)
output = model(input_data)


SegFormerB2 class

keras_cv.models.SegFormerB2(backbone, num_classes, projection_filters=256, **kwargs)

SegFormer model.

For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning.


  • backbone: a KerasCV backbone for feature extraction.
  • num_classes: the number of classes for segmentation, including the background class.


input_data = tf.ones(shape=(8, 224, 224, 3))
# Randomly initialized backbone
backbone = keras_cv.models.MiTBackbone.from_preset("mit_b0_imagenet")
segformer = keras_cv.models.SegFormer(backbone=backbone, num_classes=19)
output = model(input_data)


SegFormerB3 class

keras_cv.models.SegFormerB3(backbone, num_classes, projection_filters=256, **kwargs)

SegFormer model.

For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning.


  • backbone: a KerasCV backbone for feature extraction.
  • num_classes: the number of classes for segmentation, including the background class.


input_data = tf.ones(shape=(8, 224, 224, 3))
# Randomly initialized backbone
backbone = keras_cv.models.MiTBackbone.from_preset("mit_b0_imagenet")
segformer = keras_cv.models.SegFormer(backbone=backbone, num_classes=19)
output = model(input_data)


SegFormerB4 class

keras_cv.models.SegFormerB4(backbone, num_classes, projection_filters=256, **kwargs)

SegFormer model.

For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning.


  • backbone: a KerasCV backbone for feature extraction.
  • num_classes: the number of classes for segmentation, including the background class.


input_data = tf.ones(shape=(8, 224, 224, 3))
# Randomly initialized backbone
backbone = keras_cv.models.MiTBackbone.from_preset("mit_b0_imagenet")
segformer = keras_cv.models.SegFormer(backbone=backbone, num_classes=19)
output = model(input_data)


SegFormerB5 class

keras_cv.models.SegFormerB5(backbone, num_classes, projection_filters=256, **kwargs)

SegFormer model.

For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning.


  • backbone: a KerasCV backbone for feature extraction.
  • num_classes: the number of classes for segmentation, including the background class.


input_data = tf.ones(shape=(8, 224, 224, 3))
# Randomly initialized backbone
backbone = keras_cv.models.MiTBackbone.from_preset("mit_b0_imagenet")
segformer = keras_cv.models.SegFormer(backbone=backbone, num_classes=19)
output = model(input_data)