RandomShear layer


RandomShear class


A preprocessing layer which randomly shears images.

This layer will apply random shearings to each image, filling empty space according to fill_mode.

Input pixel values can be of any range and any data type.

Input shape

3D (unbatched) or 4D (batched) tensor with shape: (..., height, width, channels), in "channels_last" format

Output shape

3D (unbatched) or 4D (batched) tensor with shape: (..., height, width, channels), in "channels_last" format


  • x_factor: A tuple of two floats, a single float or a keras_cv.FactorSampler. For each augmented image a value is sampled from the provided range. If a float is passed, the range is interpreted as (0, x_factor). Values represent a percentage of the image to shear over. For example, 0.3 shears pixels up to 30% of the way across the image. All provided values should be positive. If None is passed, no shear occurs on the X axis. Defaults to None.
  • y_factor: A tuple of two floats, a single float or a keras_cv.FactorSampler. For each augmented image a value is sampled from the provided range. If a float is passed, the range is interpreted as (0, y_factor). Values represent a percentage of the image to shear over. For example, 0.3 shears pixels up to 30% of the way across the image. All provided values should be positive. If None is passed, no shear occurs on the Y axis. Defaults to None.
  • interpolation: interpolation method used in the ImageProjectiveTransformV3 op. Supported values are "nearest" and "bilinear", defaults to "bilinear".
  • fill_mode: fill_mode in the ImageProjectiveTransformV3 op. Supported values are "reflect", "wrap", "constant", and "nearest". Defaults to "reflect".
  • fill_value: fill_value in the ImageProjectiveTransformV3 op. A Tensor of type float32. The value to be filled when fill_mode is constant". Defaults to 0.0.
  • bounding_box_format: The format of bounding boxes of input dataset. Refer to https://github.com/keras-team/keras-cv/blob/master/keras_cv/bounding_box/converters.py for more details on supported bounding box formats.
  • seed: Integer. Used to create a random seed.