

FailedTrialError class


Raise this error to mark a Trial as failed.

When this error is raised in a Trial, the Tuner would not retry the Trial but directly mark it as "FAILED".


class MyHyperModel(keras_tuner.HyperModel):
    def build(self, hp):
        # Build the model
        if too_slow(model):
            # Mark the Trial as "FAILED" if the model is too slow.
            raise keras_tuner.FailedTrialError("Model is too slow.")
        return model


FatalError class


A fatal error during search to terminate the program.

It is used to terminate the KerasTuner program for errors that need users immediate attention. When this error is raised in a Trial, it will not be caught by KerasTuner.


FatalValueError class


A fatal error during search to terminate the program.

It is a subclass of FatalError and ValueError.

It is used to terminate the KerasTuner program for errors that need users immediate attention. When this error is raised in a Trial, it will not be caught by KerasTuner.


FatalTypeError class


A fatal error during search to terminate the program.

It is a subclass of FatalError and TypeError.

It is used to terminate the KerasTuner program for errors that need users immediate attention. When this error is raised in a Trial, it will not be caught by KerasTuner.


FatalRuntimeError class


A fatal error during search to terminate the program.

It is a subclass of FatalError and RuntimeError.

It is used to terminate the KerasTuner program for errors that need users immediate attention. When this error is raised in a Trial, it will not be caught by KerasTuner.